In Honor of Service to Our Country
Nelson’s Bay Area Mortuary is grateful for the service you or your family member has given in any branch of the United States Military.
Because of this service we wish to honor all veterans by offering you every assistance possible.
Because we are not affiliated with any government agency we cannot tell you what you exact benefits will be. We however will help in any way possible to see that families of veterans are served to the standard of excellence they deserve.
The following are some of the ways that we may be able to provide assistance:
· Arranging burial of remains or cremains in a National Cemetery.
· Presenting the United States flag in honor of service.
· Arranging for a uniformed member of the military to present the flag with or without a service.
· Arranging Military Honors for ceremonies as requested.
· Helping fill out the Application for Burial Benefits forms.
· Applying for Presidential Memorial Certificates for family members.
· Applying for Memorial Monuments (grave markers) for local or national cemeteries.
· A reading of names of service members who have passed away at a quarterly National Cemetery honors ceremony.
· Directing you to proper County Veterans Services Office for any benefits you may be eligible for.

DD-214 or Military Separation Papers are the key to Veteran’s benefits.
It is best to keep them in a safe known place for easy use. Keeping a copy of these documents at the funeral home in your file is a way to ensure your family never has to spend time wondering or worrying if they will be able to find the correct documents when the time arrives.
If you have lost or cannot find your
DD-214 you may contact:
NPRC Mailing Address:
National Personnel Records Center
Military Personnel Records
9700 Page Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63132-5100
phone: 314-801-0800
fax: 314-801-9195
Requests must be submitted in writing.