About Us
Local, Family Owned and Operated ... It's a Tradition
Nelson's Bay Area Mortuary is proud to be the Bay Areas longest locally owned and operated funeral home. Our historic funeral home located at 4th & Elrod, Coos Bay has served this community since the 1920's
The Bay Area is our home. We love it here. All of our children attended local schools and graduated from Marshfield High School. We have found great pleasure serving in Kiwanis, Hospice, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, church and other local organizations. We enjoy our community and find it a pleasure to serve in a community we care about.
When we aren't serving your family you will find us sharing time with ours.
John Nelson was raised in Washington and Alaska. He received a Bachelor's Degree from Boise State University and later completed a degree in Mortuary Science at Mt. Hood Community College in Gresham, Oregon.
Tanya Nelson was born in Eugene Oregon and was raised in Central Oregon. She graduated from Ricks College in Idaho.
Together John and Tanya have 3 children and six grandchildren.